
This library contains all core functionality for reading Data Dictionary excels and pushing the defined entities in bulk by type to atlas. Data Dictionary is expected to be in the same format as the template Data Dictionary.


Please ensure your Python environment is on version 3.9. Some dependencies do not work with any previous versions of Python.

To install m4i-data-dictionary-io and all required dependencies to your active Python environment, please run the following command from the project root folder:

pip install -e .

Configurations and Credentials

In the scripts directory. Please make a copy of config.sample.py and credentials.sample.py and rename the files to config.py and credentials.py respectively. Please set the configuration parameters and credentials for atlas.

Server name Description
atlas.server.url The Server Url that Atlas runs on, with ‘/api/atlas’ post fix.
atlas.credentials.username The Username to be used to access the Atlas Instance.
atlas.credentials.password The Password to be used to access the Atlas Instance must correspond to the Username given.


  1. Create the Python Environment. How to do this can be found in this file under Installation
  2. Fill in the Configurations and Credentials as indicated in this file under Configurations and Credentials
  3. Run main.py in the terminal to load the definitions.


This project uses pytest as its unit testing framework. To run the unit tests, please install pytest and then execute the pytest command from the project root folder.

Unit tests are grouped per module. Unit test modules are located in the same folder as their respective covered modules. They can be recognized by the test__ module name prefix, followed by the name of the covered module.